June 4, 2010


Dear Visitors,
since this account is not primarily based on gmail email.
i had some issues with it.
anyway, my blog has been transferred to this address..


cool address isn't it? :-p
u won't feel a difference, same old crap ..
plz people , anyone follows my blog.
or has a link of it somewhere, if u may, alter it to this new address ..

thnx all.

see u @ Mjaddarah.. :sm:


Saleh said...

إذا ما فيه أكل غير المجدرة هناك مش رايح، خليني هون أريحلي


ΣcoŞan said...

لأ فيه شو ما بدك أكل هناك

بس .. المجدرة هي الطبق الرئيسي

6abaZa said...

dude wat tha mooz

laweesh ya3ni el ba3zaga...he el shabake el 3ankaboteyye bblash

Khubaizeh said...

dude ha6' el account kollo biddi asheloh b3d shwait wagt ..

ya zam .. 5aff 3agle ..

biddi aga6'eha sign in -- sign out ..
koll ma biddi a3malle solafeh ..

golt lawaish, banglo el blog 3ala account gmail, arya7 :D

wenta a5barak eah ya dude :tb:

6abaZa said...

me absolutely da7el...definitely zahgan..

Khubaizeh said...


sob7an mo3'ayyr el a7wal
gbl kam youm kont mish mla7eg 3a 7alak


Saleh said...

شايفك مفضي الدكانة و ناقل العفش كله، شو هاي!؟ قصدك أروح لهناك "من غير مطرود"، ياللا ما دام فيه هناك شغلات ثانية غير المجدرة خلينا نروح بكرامتنا