April 22, 2010

An "Ex" ...

Do you believe in luck?

Well, I - myself - don't know, sometimes, the idea of good luck, or bad luck seems so silly, sometimes, you can't give a reasonable explanation for what just happened, or what didn't just happen or why. Only the word (Luck), can give your wondering soul a bit to shut it up.

As always, my dear blog readers (who I think is gonna quit visiting this page soon enough) the posts under the (Crappy talk) category, fits with my bad, good fortune.

The other day, I was walking in the university, when out of sudden, a girl who was walking by, waved to me...
I looked into her face, and it was a shock, she was my first "Ex"!!
Its not like, I accidentally meet an "Ex" every other day, this was my first time, I thought (with my lack of experience in such things) I won't see her ever again. It was way too awkward. I haven't seen her in two years or so, we talked for a while, I asked about her news she did the same.
I’ve known few girls after her, and formed better relationships than the first one with this girl. The thing is that with her it was the first time for me to feel what real love is, in addition to that, the breaking up process with her was the second worst effecting one I had.

back to the "luck" thing, I have no idea that bad luck can go to this extent, after a recent break up i had, in the wrongest timing ever, which I’m still healing from, this incident just opened more old wounds, the ones that can't be ever healed (people with a failed-first-love can understand what I mean), wait! It gets more interesting, with all of this in my head, I just have less than 20 days to finish up my thesis or I’m screwed.

What bothers me most is that thinking about this incident, is taking more time than it should take, I have no idea how to get it out of my head. Have you?

On a side note:
3n jad thail el chaleb 3omroh ma ben3adel...
No matter what I do, thinking about people, places, actions, reactions, past, future, and much more things, takes more of my time and energy than actually doing something about it. The “over thinking less doing” is my main problem, I guess, its some kind of a genetic thing, a built-in overactive chip in my useless brain. In fact I starts to hate my brain the way I hate my heart, it gets me into more trouble than actually help in fixing them.

Thanks for listening guys, zay el 3adeh, I’m whining like a baby. Ed3ole balke hal mar7aleh 3addat 3ala 5air o ba66alat postate kollha whining.


Mohammad said...

take a breath
read this carefully

then move on :)

Moh'd Jarrar. said...

Please Focus On Your Study For The Moment , Everything Will Be Solved Gradually Enshalla.
I Wanted To Kill You Yesterday When I Saw You Online In Mahjoob :k:

ΣcoŞan said...

ana lawla shwai kan 9ert el "Dr.Love" ha6' :-o:

wak, ana kont bafarre3' bs, with my case, it helps, lamma aktob afkare somewhere to read them later.
thnx for your concern man
7bebe abu 7maid

ΣcoŞan said...

wallah enne mrakkez man
bs haik bte6la3lak el gesas mn t7t el ar6'
o hay 9abet kol gol3a6e be hal post, o 6alla3t.ha mn rasi ..
as for the mahjoob issue..
7alenaha 3al msnger o meshe el 7aal..
i've sent u the email in question.

bs ma t6o3ne waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal

wak 7abebe abu jarrar, wallah ennak ma fe minnak beddinya ..

Em Ommar said...

دع الخلق للخالق ايكو,,
والحيز اللي ماخده التفكير ف العالم وف الحظ,, استغله بشي يفيدك ك شخص

ΣcoŞan said...

Um Omar
thank for your advice
I'm grateful for your concern ..
tislame ya 5ayyeh :give:

i think i'm trying to do better now ..
to see